Wallpaper apps are tools designed to beautify the screens of computers, phones, tablets and other devices. These apps provide an extensive collection of high-definition wallpaper resources, covering a variety of styles such as natural landscapes, abstract art, anime/cartoons, celebrity idols, cityscapes and more, satisfying users' diverse personalization needs. Users can easily set their favorite wallpapers as desktop backgrounds or lock screen images with simple operations, turning each screen unlock or power-on into a visual delight.
One S24 Launcher Mod
Personalization / 25.40MB
Border Light - LED Wallpaper
Personalization / 11.40MB
OGQ 폰테마샵 - 배경화면/카톡테마/카톡테마 메이커
Personalization / 60.70MB
Motivational Quotes
Lifestyle / 7.40MB
Themepack - App Icons, Widgets
Personalization / 25.80MB
Personalization / 11.30MB
Gacha Life Wallpaper
Personalization / 8.90MB
Cute Girly Wallpaper
Personalization / 74.00MB
Teka Notes - Notepad
Productivity / 24.20MB
Wolf Wallpapers
Personalization / 7.90MB