In the mysterious town of Two Horns, a legend of ogres residing there has long intrigued its residents. One day, you come across a girl with two horns on her head who entrusts you with a magical "Club" and a mission to catch her elusive sister. What sets this app apart is its "Anything Goes" feature, allowing you to explore main scenarios and diverse subquests with freedom to interact not only with main characters but also with NPCs. From running around naked to sneaking into forbidden areas, the possibilities are limitless. Unleash your creativity and discover new play styles in this thrilling adventure.
* Unique Setting: The story takes place in the local city of "Oniga-town" where ogres have been rumored to reside since ancient times.
* Mysterious Quest: Players encounter a girl with two horns who tasks them with using a mysterious "Club" to catch her sister, setting off a thrilling adventure.
* "Anything Goes" Gameplay: The biggest feature of the app is the freedom to engage in a wide variety of actions, from completing main scenarios to exploring countless subquests.
* Interactive Environment: Players can interact not only with main characters, but also with NPCs found throughout the city, allowing for a truly immersive experience.
* Creative Freedom: Embrace the freedom to tackle challenges in your own unique way, whether it's running around naked, sneaking into forbidden areas, or dressing up characters as you see fit.
* Endless Exploration: Discover a diverse range of play styles and unlock your creativity as you navigate the world of "Oniga-town" and uncover its many secrets.
The app offers a one-of-a-kind experience with its unique setting, mysterious quests, and unrestricted gameplay. Dive into the world of "Two Horns" for endless adventure and creative freedom - download now to embark on a thrilling journey unlike any other.
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