Discover the ultimate shopping experience with Shop: All your favorite brands! Earn special Shop Cash rewards that you can use towards your favorite brands and products. Stay up to date with the latest trends, exclusive offers, and personalized recommendations all in one convenient place. Never miss a sale or restock with push notifications, and enjoy onetap checkout with Shop Pay for quick and secure transactions. Track all of your online orders effortlessly and receive realtime updates on their delivery status. With carbonneutral shipping and automagic package tracking, shopping has never been easier or more enjoyable. Download Shop: All your favorite brands now and shop worryfree with Shop!
Cash back rewards: Earn Shop Cash and spend it in the app, with exclusive offers to boost your balance.
Stay connected: Shop the latest trends from your favorite brands all in one place, and receive push notifications for sales, restocks, and order updates.
Personalized recommendations: Get suggestions for exciting new products and brands tailored to your preferences.
Convenient checkout: Use Shop Pay for fast, onetap checkouts, earn Shop Cash on transactions, and enjoy flexible payment options with buy now, pay later.
Is Shop Cash the same as real money?
Shop Cash is a form of virtual currency that can be earned and spent within the app on future purchases.
Are there any additional fees for using Shop Pay?
No, there are no extra fees for using Shop Pay for faster checkouts or carbonneutral deliveries.
Can I track all online orders, even from different websites?
Yes, you can track all your online orders from various vendors in one app for convenience.
Elevate your shopping experience with the app, where you can earn rewards, stay updated on the latest trends, receive personalized recommendations, and enjoy seamless checkout options. With Shop Pay, onetap transactions, and automagic package tracking, shopping has never been easier. Download the app now to unlock a world of convenience and exclusive offers.
Meme Generator PRO
Others / 110.60MB
Lifestyle / 10.60MB
Lifestyle / 6.30MB
Haylou Fun
Lifestyle / 113.40MB
Stylish Calculator – CALCU
Tools / 12.00MB
Mood SMS
Communication / 43.22MB
Peet's Coffee: Earn Rewards
Lifestyle / 98.90MB
Dynamic Island
Tools / 9.80MB
Tools / 17.90MB
MiXplorer Silver
Productivity / 7.10MB
Wolfey Wolfey
The only thing stopping me from giving g a perfect 5 stars is the tracking. Sometimes it doesn't update up un.til I get my package. Makes me think it got lost or stuck, but aside from that, everything else is perfect
Jan 01, 2025 13:16:57
Adrianne Kaya
the tracking doesn't update accurately and gets stuck on previous status but when it does work it's nice. it gets annoying when there are duplicate tracking, one from the store and other from the carrier for the same product.
Jan 01, 2025 12:55:14
Rich Watkins
Started using this app rrecently because I got tired of, getting the tracking info from shipper and then going to carrier website to get updates. Over and over again for the same orders. Impressed by the detail and the range of shippers covered. Keep up the good work.
Jan 01, 2025 06:14:01
Tony Angeline
I'm furious with Shopify. On 5/3, using the App I bought 2 pairs of Converse sneakers from CC BigSale & and they disappeared with my money! I rec'd an email confirming the purchase, but when I click on Visit Store the message is Products Unavailable. When i click on website URL provided or pics of sneakers i bought a Something Wrong message appears. Your Help pages are useless. I've emailed store 3 times but no response. I hope someone contacts me because next step is BBB! Thank you, Tony A.
Jan 01, 2025 05:22:27
Chrys LoScerbo
Great real time shipment tracking, history of purchases and communication channels for concerns to be sorted. Only issue was inconsistent info on 1 tracking showed both set to arrive at time range, while another page said delivered but it arrived the same day, earlier than expected
Dec 31, 2024 17:45:19
Brian Moore
Suggestion: Make the app smart enough to combine shipping emails with the same tracking number. If I get a shipping notification email from the seller, and another from USPS/UPS/FedEx with the same tracking number, don't show them as two different packages.
Dec 30, 2024 22:55:24
Shey Hughbanks
I got ripped off by this app because I placed an order through this app at one of their businesses, " Furniture Factory Store" and never received shipping nor could get a reply or any communication from the store or the shop app. Apparently, you have to have an order thru shop app that was delivered and go through it to be able to contact someone through shop. Well this was my first order so I'm screwed out of my $86. Not a legit app. UPDATE: Can't review order now, please fix
Dec 29, 2024 23:00:38
Lexi Cole
If I could give NEGATIVE stars I would. This is the WORST APP I HAVE EVER USED IN MY LIFE. On top of the app being horrendous, one of the merchants (Green Canteen) took my money for a cup bought back in MARCH. It is now June 1st, I have not received my item or a refund which I requested from the merchant many times, no response. I just reported it through the app itself to which a message appeared that they will do NOTHING any issues. My bank could not refund me either. AVOID AT THIS ALL COSTS.
Dec 28, 2024 05:26:32
Luca Bnz
Rubbish app, wants to get access to my email, send notifications, know my address… why do I need to install ana pp jus tto track where my parcels are?! Let me do it in the browser, from desktop! Eventually I could not do it, because there's no explanations, and orders have no tracking number associated to them so the order summary that I've received via email just tells me to download the app but doesn't tell me how to make it work, and the UX is terrible.
Dec 28, 2024 00:27:55