Stay connected with the painting community using Dulux Connect. With just a few taps, painters can easily record their purchases of select Dulux products and unlock exclusive trade promotions and loyalty programs. Simply scan the barcode or manually enter the UID code to start earning points towards exciting rewards. Browse the catalog of ongoing schemes, view detailed information, and track your scan history for a seamless experience. Download the app, enter your registered details, and start earning rewards today with Dulux Connect - the go-to app for painters on the move!
- Participate in Painter Trade Promotions conveniently with your mobile phone: Engage in exclusive Painter Trade Promotions directly from your mobile device, making participation easy and accessible wherever you are.
- Record purchases of select Dulux products effortlessly: Quickly and easily log your purchases of eligible Dulux products, streamlining the process and ensuring you don’t miss out on earning rewards.
- Earn points by scanning product barcodes or manually entering UID codes: Accumulate points effortlessly by either scanning product barcodes or entering unique UID codes, providing flexibility in how you track your purchases.
- Access a catalog of active schemes offered by Dulux on the homepage: Browse a comprehensive catalog of current Dulux promotions right from the homepage, keeping you informed about the latest opportunities to earn rewards.
- View detailed information about ongoing schemes with just a click: Get instant access to detailed descriptions and terms of ongoing promotions, allowing you to stay updated and make the most of available offers.
- Keep track of scan history for a detailed view of past scans: Monitor your scan history to maintain a clear record of all your barcode scans, helping you manage your points and participation effectively.
With Dulux Connect, painters can conveniently participate in trade promotions, earn points, and maximize chances to earn rewards. The app allows easy recording of purchases, provides access to scheme details, and keeps track of scan history for a seamless user experience. Download now to make the most of your Dulux purchases!
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