BIS CARE is the ultimate app for consumers who want to ensure they are purchasing authentic, high-quality products. With just a few taps, users can verify the validity of ISI marks, Hallmarks, and CRS Registration marks on any item. Not only can you access important details like manufacturer information and the scope of the license or registration, but you can also report any issues you encounter. Whether it's a sub-standard product, misuse of marks, or misleading claims, the 'Complaints' feature allows you to easily submit your grievances with supporting evidence. Say goodbye to counterfeit products and hello to peace of mind with BIS CARE.
❤ Verification: Easily verify the authenticity of ISI marks, Hallmark, and CRS Registration marks by entering the license number/HUID number/registration number.
❤ Details: Access detailed information such as manufacturer's name & address, validity of license/registration, covered varieties, brands included, and purity of jewelry articles.
❤ Complaints: Register complaints about poor quality products, misuse of marks, misleading claims, or service lacunas.
❤ Action: Receive acknowledgment of your complaint with a unique complaint number and expect redressal from the concerned department.
❤ Be Prepared: Have the necessary license number/HUID number/registration number ready for quick verification.
❤ Provide Evidence: When registering complaints, provide as much evidence as possible to support your claim.
❤ Regular Check: Make it a habit to verify the authenticity of marks before purchasing any product for peace of mind.
By utilizing the app's features effectively, users can make informed purchasing decisions and contribute to maintaining the quality standards of products in the market. Download BIS CARE today and ensure that you are getting genuine products every time.
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