The Voicemail app by Telekom is your convenient solution for managing your voicemails from both mobile and landline services. With this app, you no longer have to dial in to retrieve your messages as they are pushed directly to your smartphone or tablet. You can listen to, call back, and forward messages in any order you prefer, as well as easily adjust your mailbox settings such as greetings and call redirection. Whether you use a dual-sim mobile or have multiple landline connections, this app has you covered. Stay organized and in control of your messages with it.
❤ Convenience: Receive voicemail messages directly to your Smartphone and tablet without having to call your Mobilbox or SprachBox.
❤ Easy Management: Manage all your settings such as greetings and call redirect for both Mobile and At Home in one place.
❤ Dual-Sim Support: Receive voice messages from mobile, even when using dual-sim (eSim/physical sim) for one number.
❤ Landline Support: Receive voice messages from landline for multiple landline connections in parallel.
❤ Call Features: Listen, call back, forward, and set up call forwarding easily within the app.
❤ Personalization: Set up personalized greetings for your voicemail messages.
With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive features, Voicemail is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their experience. Download now to enhance your management process.
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A Google user
Nach dem Update und der schnellen Hilfe des App-Supports läuft jetzt alles wieder. Vielen Dank
Nov 16, 2024 15:37:55
A Google user
Nur Geld kassieren aber für Comune etwas machen oder Infrastruktur ausbauen? Nee
Nov 15, 2024 19:41:44
A Google user
Loudspeaker works ok, but if I hold it to the ear the sound is off. Now I can listen to my messages with everyone listening in. Thanks telecom! Why don't you do less but do it right???
Nov 15, 2024 18:41:08
A Google user
Wenn man seinen Festnetzanschluss verknüpft und dann unter "At Home" die Weiterleitung nach einer bestimmten Zeit einstellen will. Ist das Limit 30 Sekunden. Das ist ein Witz!! In der Sprachbox App kann ich bis zu 60sek auswählen. So ist die App leider nur zur Hälfte nützlich, da ich trotzdem noch die Sprachbox App benötige um mehr als 30sek einzustellen. Bitte ändern! Am Besten bis zu 3 Minuten. Dann gibts auch. 5/5 :)
Nov 15, 2024 16:02:07
A Google user
Ich kann jetzt meine archivierten Nachrichten nicht mehr finden. Hat etwas zu tun mit dem Update?
Nov 14, 2024 21:06:43
A Google user
It lacks the option to display the number of new voice messages on the app's icon. Will give full 5 stars once it does.
Nov 14, 2024 19:03:05
A Google user
Since the last update, every five minutes the app tells me "Synchronization failed" with "Authentication has failed during synchronization". Annoying as fork. Reinstalling didn't fix this. Uninstalling works like a charm
Nov 14, 2024 17:29:38
A Google user
Non-stop errors. Constantly getting notifications that it failed to sync. Even after they told me a patch to "fix".
Nov 14, 2024 12:02:24
A Google user
Nov 14, 2024 02:32:33