Discover the eBay app, your ultimate destination for buying and selling millions of items with ease and convenience. Whether you're on the hunt for fashion, sneakers, tech, car parts, or trading cards, eBay has got you covered. With exclusive features, you can stay updated on all your marketplace activities and never miss out on a great deal. Sell your former favorites effortlessly using the barcode scanner, upload photos and videos, and easily manage your orders. And with curated shopping experiences and sustainable savings, eBay offers a truly personalized and eco-friendly way to shop.
⭐ Buy and sell millions of items across various categories such as fashion, sneakers, tech, car parts, and trading cards.
⭐ Exclusive features tailored to enhance the marketplace activity, making it fast, easy, and convenient.
⭐ Real-time alerts for deals, auctions, and order updates sent to your device through personalized notifications.
⭐ User-friendly interface with features like barcode scanner, photo and video uploads, order tracking, and instant messaging with buyers.
⭐ Extensive range of items available, including on-trend fashion, jewelry, watches, refurbished tech, and high-quality car accessories.
⭐ Curated shopping experiences with influencers, hosts, and sellers, along with the opportunity to participate in exclusive sales events and deals.
With the eBay app, you can seamlessly buy and sell millions of items across various categories. Experience the convenience of real-time alerts, easy item listing, and instant messaging, making online shopping and selling a breeze. Discover on-trend fashion, vintage items, and high-quality products at the right price. Don't miss out on exclusive sales events and curated shopping experiences with your favorite influencers. Join eBay today and start saving money while making a positive impact on the environment by extending the life cycle of preloved items. Click to download now and enjoy a personalized and smooth buying and selling experience with eBay.
Lifestyle / 40.10MB
Lifestyle / 15.00MB
Lifestyle / 69.40MB
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God's Word
News & Magazines / 4.60MB
Oxford Grammar and Punctuation
News & Magazines / 28.50MB
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Lifestyle / 4.50MB
Oxford English Dict.&Thesaurus
News & Magazines / 29.00MB
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News & Magazines / 9.70MB
Ben Thompson
Was reasonably happy until today... I was offered a product I was interested until I saw it was pick-up and so I went back out and now the stupid app has somehow bought the item and I have to now go through issues I don't need atm. Will probably be the last time I use the app. Very unhappy being forced into a sale by the app... be very careful using ebay!
Jul 22, 2024 07:34:11
Nick W
I use Ebay A LOT. 1.2k items sold over the last 2 years and probably 10k in purchases. My warehouse flooded & FOUR orders over the last YEAR I cancelled because item was damaged. This put me at 'below standard' so they take ~20% instead of the normal ~13%. Since it's a new year my next review (happens once a month) I'll be a top seller again. But in the 1 month since that I lost around $200 in Dec xmas revenue. Customer service is HORRIBLE. For the $ I pay in fees its ridiculous. I could go on
Jul 22, 2024 03:18:54
Linda Saul
Does everything I would expect and sends timely notifications. One of the few apps on which it's easy to complete all my transactions without needing to go back to my laptop. On my wishlist is the ability to bulk delete stuff I've searched for.
Jul 22, 2024 03:15:51
Tabbycat Bryson
Horrible. Uninstalling. Recent updates to "improve user experience" has done the opposite! So many changes has made this app very difficult to use. Options that we once had are now gone. There are so many that 500 characters aren't enough to accurately describe them all. Save yourself the headaches & your phone the valuable space & just use the website itself instead. I Do not recommend this app AT ALL.
Jul 21, 2024 19:47:08
Joel Sauerwald
Getting a lot of bid cancelations from vendors who don't want to honor the auction final bid price. They just say the add was messed up then cancel my winning bid and relist the item. They are getting away with fraud without negative consequence. eBay needs to know they are accessories to fraud. However, there is no practical way to contact them. And its no surprise I can't find this review in eBay reviews. And of course no response
Jul 21, 2024 11:37:14
David Turner
I am a buyer on eBay and I have had mostly good experiences. I recently had an item not arrive. It wasn't the sellers fault or eBay, but after some time they eventually compensated me for the lost package. Although I didn't think it would happen, I was very pleased that despite not receiving the item I had purchased at least I did not incur a financial loss as well. I was able to use the app to maintain contact with the seller and eBay. I also use the app to track my bidding and my purchases.
Jul 19, 2024 17:02:18
Matt Wooddy
Every update comes with more bugs and problems for basic features. Constantly adding and changing stuff NOBODY wants, yet basic features are completely broken. I sell a lot and spend a lot of time on the ebay app. Today's broken feature is "sell one like this" just gives constant errors. Fix your app!!!
Jul 19, 2024 16:17:45
Kathulhu _
Bugs. Like many recent reviews, I'm here because I hit a bug immediately after update. I can't see full descriptions of listings. It looks like it's meant to slide up from the bottom of the screen, but it doesn't. I'm going to roll back to an older apk.
Jul 19, 2024 10:09:13
Dawn Reynolds
I have been using ebay for 20+ years. 2 issues I have: something will get lost in the mail, your money is gone, the item is gone, and eBay doesn't help go after the postal folks who are obvious stealing. Also, It's a nightmare to sell anything anymore. Ebay marks things discounted without ever even contacting the seller. I had to quit selling. I would list something for 20 bucks and free shipping. And then I would look and it would sell for 7 dollars. They also obviously do not filter scammers
Jul 19, 2024 03:38:20