Embark on a literary adventure with Qidian, China's premier webnovel platform now available internationally! Dive into a vast collection of epic novels from renowned authors such as Tang Jia San Shao and Cocooned Cow. With seamless mobile reading, save your favorite stories and receive automatic updates on new chapters. Connect with the imaginative minds behind these captivating tales and immerse yourself in mystical worlds filled with epic battles, legendary heroes, and the pursuit of immortality in Xianxia and Xuanhuan novels. Whether you crave intergalactic adventures or post-apocalyptic survival, Qidian has something for every reader to enjoy.
> Vast library of epic novels: Qidian offers access to thousands of captivating stories from top Chinese authors, now available to readers worldwide.
> Seamless mobile reading app: Read on the go with Qidian's user-friendly app, which allows you to save your favorite stories and sync your reading progress across all devices.
> Connect with favorite authors: Get to know the masterminds behind the stories and interact with renowned authors such as Tang Jia San Shao, I Eat Tomatoes, and more.
> Save your favorite novels to receive automatic updates on new chapters and never miss a beat in your favorite series.
> Join Qidian's community to discuss plots, characters, and theories with fellow readers and fans of the same genre.
> Explore different genres, from Xianxia and Xuanhuan to intergalactic adventures and post-apocalyptic survival, for a diverse reading experience.
With Qidian's international debut, readers around the world can now immerse themselves in thrilling adventures and captivating tales from China's most talented authors. Download the app now and embark on an unforgettable journey through the realms of fantasy and beyond.
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