Delve into a world of imagination and creativity with Champak Malayalam! This renowned children's magazine, available in 8 languages, is filled with captivating short stories, entertaining comic strips, challenging puzzles, mind-bending brain teasers, and hilarious jokes that will ignite your child's imagination. Champak is a favorite among kids across the country, offering endless hours of fun and learning. With the option to purchase single issues or subscribe for a full year, six months, or three months at incredibly affordable prices, Champak Malayalam is the perfect companion for young readers looking to explore new worlds and embark on exciting adventures!
Engaging Content: The app offers a wide variety of content including short stories, comic strips, puzzles, brain teasers, and jokes that are sure to keep children entertained and engaged.
Educational Value: The content in Champak Malayalam is not only entertaining but also educational, helping children improve their language skills, critical thinking, and creativity.
Vibrant Illustrations: The magazine is filled with vibrant and colorful illustrations that will captivate children's attention and spark their imagination.
Affordable Subscriptions: The app offers affordable subscription options, making it accessible to a wide audience of children and parents who are looking for quality content at a reasonable price.
How often are new issues released? Champak Malayalam releases a new issue every month, ensuring that there is always fresh content for children to enjoy.
Can I access back issues if I subscribe? Yes, subscribers have access to both current and past issues of the app, allowing children to enjoy a wealth of content.
Is the app suitable for children of all ages? The app is designed for children ages - making it suitable for a wide range of age groups within that range.
Champak Malayalam is the perfect choice for parents and children looking for a fun and educational magazine that will spark creativity, imagination, and a love for reading. With its engaging content, vibrant illustrations, and affordable subscriptions, the app is sure to become a favorite among young readers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to provide your child with hours of entertainment and learning with the app. Download the app today and start exploring the world of Champak!
Herald Sun
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Voice Recorder & Voice Memos
Media & Video / 10.46MB
clever fit
Lifestyle / 62.10MB
Screen Time - StayFree
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Vintage Camera-Retro, Editor
Photography / 22.00MB